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All You Need to Know About French Cuisine Recipe
There are many and varied techniques employed in French cuisine. The essential thing is the thorough knowledge and understanding of all the ingredients to be used. The type of French cuisine principles are generic and be found in many kinds of cookery. French cuisine cookery does not rely on convenience methods hence it is the most important element to remember. French cuisine cookery also saves on labor that may be needed. One of the most widely used technique is the art of sauteing. This is the method that is used to fry onions and garlic in olive oil at high temperatures.
Before attempting a French cuisine recipe, you need to know that some culinary terms are necessary to know of. Basic cuts are referred to in these three terms. The first term is brunoise that means a square cut each side being 8 inches. The other term is dice that means a quarter of an inch cut. The last term is chop which means a half-inch cut. Anyone who is trying to achieve an authentic French cuisine dish should be thoroughly acquainted with these terms although a professional French cuisine chef will know the exact dimensions of these cuts.
You should consistently use the basic French cuisine cooking techniques to achieve the correct results. If you can follow the example by only buying your produce from reputable greengrocers and markets because French cuisine cooking relies heavily on the freshest ingredients. You need to dedicate your time to find out when the greengrocers and markets receive their deliveries and when they are available for sale. Because of that reason, you will have a chance to select the freshest choice of vegetables. It is always good to be imaginative and make alterations to your recipe where needed in the spirit of French cuisine.
Patience is one of the elements of French cuisine cooking. To produce a wonderful sauce, the technique used in French cuisine is painstaking. Most recipe calls for unsalted butter or occasionally clarified butter to prepare the stock for any sauce. Because unsalted butter does not hamper the flavor of the food it will accompany, it is used in preference of salted butter in the preparation of any stock. In the preparation of the stock, no other seasoning such as paper or salt should be used. For the best result of retaining the stock for future use, it can be frozen and kept for no longer than three months.
You need to prepare labels to identify your stock whilst in storage. Use a copper bottom or heavy-duty pan when you are ready to use the preparation of the sauce you wish to make. The sauce accompanying should be made before serving that the dish as it is customary for sauces that are made from butter and clarified butter stock. Certain sauces should be served at different temperatures. Butter sauces should be served hot while white butter sauces should be served at warm temperatures.